

B2B Keyword Research Done Right

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Keyword research is important to any business as it can tell you vital information, including where you rank for keywords, which keyword are easy to rank for and what keywords your competitors are ranking for. In a nutshell, it can tell us what people are searching for. This way, you don’t have to guess.

For Google, it does the work for you by searching out web pages that contain keywords you used to search, then assign them a rank to each page based several factors, such as how many times the keywords appear on the page.

This is great for B2C businesses, but it doesn’t really seem that there is a B2B Google algorithm. Despite that, things can be quite different when you’re targeting other businesses, rather than customers. You want to make sure that you are precise with your keyword targeting, and low search volumes.

Viola Eva has a post on Search Engine Journal where she’ll show us how you can perform B2B keyword research by using B2B modifiers, uncovering potential in Search Console and internal search.

Read More Here On SEJ

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