

Bing Ads Will Automatically Clean Up Legacy Content Network Ad Groups After Nov. 30

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Bing Ads made an announcement back in May, saying that it was going to close up its Content Network because of low-quality traffic.  On July 31, Content Network ads stopped running on Bing Ads, taking away the ability to create new content ads. Even with this, many accounts were left with legacy “content” ads that had been created before July 31.  These ads aren’t showing on the Content Network, and Bing Ads will now be cleaning these up on your behalf.

Bing Ads will start labeling these ad groups properly.  As of right now, some ad groups can be labeled as “search and content network” or “content network,” even though they would now be the search network or they’d be running at all. Once November 30 comes and goes, Bing will be taking action to clean up user accounts by performing the following tasks on all accounts:

  • Turning all ad groups that are currently set to “search and content network” to “search network” only.
  • Deleting any ad group that is exclusively set to “content network.” Note: These ad groups haven’t been serving ads since June 30, and this will not impact your results in comparison to the last two months.
  • Ending users’ ability to create content bids within ad groups.
  • Deleting any keyword with the match type of content.

Before these ads are deleted on November 30, advertisers will be able to re-purpose these ad groups if the ad distribution is changed to “search content.”

Most advertisers should welcome this change, as Bing is is doing some fall cleaning on their behalf.

Source – Greg Finn

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