

Search Marketers Need to Evolve: Google is Rewarding Marketing Strategists

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Evolve-or-dieIn business, everything can, and will, eventually change.  That’s the way business works, especially in a business like SEO.  Things are always changing, always evolving.  I think we can all thank Google for that.

You can say that if the business of SEO is in a constant state of change and evolution, and that means that those who are working in the field have to change right along with it, or they will get lost in the wake of old hat SEO.  Over time, SEO has evolved from simple forms of search to a multi-faceted creature of marketing, all because of the fact we are head towards a future that is hyper-competitive.

In the words of Ron Garrett,

In order for our industry to continue to thrive, we need to set ourselves apart.

In one of Ron’s posts found on the Moz Blog, he shares some of the experiences of how he was able to deal with all of the challenges he faced in a world of ever changing SEO, such as with the major updates Google has rolled out over the years, like Panda, Hummingbird and Penguin.

Check out Ron’s post by following the link below.

Moz Blog: Search Marketers Need to Evolve: Google is Rewarding Marketing Strategists

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