

4 Things You Deserve To Know About Your Programmatic Marketing

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Shutterstock_104783216When it comes to all the details and fine lines of your campaign, you need to be able to know and understand them so that when your client comes knocking at your door for some answers, you can give them the answers they deserve.  Plus, when you’ve completed a campaign, and you’re ready to move on to the next, you need to know what caused that first campaign to either succeed or fail so you can make the appropriate adjustments for the next one.

An issues you may be facing as a marketer is using pre-packaged data segments.  If you do, you may not know all the nitty gritty details of the campaigns that you’ve been running.  There lies the problem.  You need to know this stuff.  It is your job to know, after all.

Since pre-packaged data segments don’t show all the details, the essential insight into a converting customers pre-impression behavior is not there to see.  This seems to be the problem with most programmatic marketing platforms.  These platforms only show a basic report of impressions, click-throughs, and conversions for a particular set of audience.

In the following article entitled  4 Things You Deserve To Know About Your Programmatic Marketing, article writer Amber Benson gives us four things we have to know from your programmatic marketing platform.

Check the full report by clicking on the following link:

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