

How to Avoid an SEO Disaster When Changing Your Website

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Website managerSo you’re an SEO who’s been working on a client’s pre-launch website for a good length of time trying to make sure it ranks well on Google and other search engines.  You’ve optimized all of the important pages, all the content, and everything else on the site.  But just days before the launch of the site, your client tells you that they have been hard at work redesigning the website without telling you.

At this point, you’re frustrated because all the work you’ve been putting into this project may all be for naught since the client is doing a site redesign.  What impact will this have on your work?  More than likely, the client didn’t tell, not because he meant to irritate you on purpose, but because he didn’t think about it, or think that it would matter.

So how can you avoid an SEO disaster when changing your website?  There is a resource on Moz.com that will cover how to do SEO checks on your test site/development site to ensure the structure, URLs, Page Titles, Meta Descriptions and more are matching up the way they should.  Written by Richard Foulkes, the resource (which you can find the link to at the bottom of this post)  acts as an SEO checklist that touches on different points that can be forgotten when a website goes through a complete overhaul.

Check out the posted resource on the Moz Blog by following the link provided below to make sure you’ve gotten everything taken care of when changing website design.

Moz Blog: How to Avoid an SEO Disaster When Changing Your Website

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