

Bing Ads Editor Releases Updates To Make Google Ads Imports Faster, Easier

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Bing Ads has made some updates to the way Google Ads imports work in Bing Ads Editor.

The scheduling and import options in Bing Ads Editor (BAE) are now in parity with the Google Ads import options in the web UI.  When you’re in the import process to BAE, it’s now possible to set bids, budgets and landing page URLs specifically for Bing Ads during the import process.

Not only that, if you go to the “advanced Options” dropdown menu, you can check off the campaign aspects you want to import, just as you can from the UI.

Users will have the option to opt to import Google Ads server, instead of first uploading them to your local machine and then posting them to the server.  It can save time to upload directly to the server.  It’s possible to opt to set the new campaign uploads to paused.

If you want to make other changes or closely review the campaigns before they are posted to your account, you’ll want to go with the local upload in this case.

By utilizing these time saving measures, it’ll make it a lot easier getting campaigns up, running and updated on Bing Ads.

Although Bing Ads has made strides in delivering unique features to its platform, the company knows that reducing friction between its platform and Google’s is a big incentive to getting advertisers started and continuing with it.

Source – Ginny Marvin

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