

Broken Link Building Bible: The New Testament

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Links_0Oh how it is to be nostalgic.  It seemed like only  yesterday when Russ Jones wrote a post for Moz.com, called the “Broken Link Building Bible” where he created an organized post based on what he knew about broken link building tactics.  In the post, Russ mentioned tools that allowed us to make the broken link building process a little easier and a lot less tedious.  Most of the information that can be found within the post is still relevant and much of the basics is covered within that post.

A little over a year later (which would equate to about right now), Russ has decided to write a second post, a sequel if you will, to his broken link building bible piece.  This post, called “Broken Link Building Bible: The New Testament” may be a new post separated by a time span of over a year, but I would like to think of it as an amendment to the original piece.

In this newest post, you’ll find ethical guidelines, new prospecting, content and outreach techniques within the writings that Russ has presented.  With most of these tactics, you’ll be shown  how to accomplish them using a culmination of tools, which includes Open Site ExplorerDomain Hunter Plus, or BrokenLinkBuilding.com.

To check out Russ’ post, go ahead and jump over to his post on Moz.com and find out how much more you can learn about broken link building.

Moz Blog: Broken Link Building Bible: The New Testament

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