

Capture Leads With Google Ads Latest Ad Extension Test

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A new ad extension is being beta tested by Google for advertisers looking to capture leads from their text ad campaigns. Searchers will be able to submit their information to request or download information from Google Search ads through the new lead form extension.

The lead extensions are similar to promotion extensions, as they display in a call-out box with an icon, in this case a clipboard. Once you’ve selected the campaigns, you choose the call-to-action and enter extension text (this text can be up to 30 characters). Here is what is displayed:

Choose from a menu of calls to action and enter description text

After that, you will create the lead form as shown below. The form will include a headline, business name, and a description that can be up to 200 characters.

Capture lead information with Google Ads lead form extension

The information that can be collected is limited to includes name, email, phone number and postal code.

A header image can be added as well. Lastly, you have to include a link to your privacy policy. Advertisers have to agree to Google’s terms of service.

It’s possible to customize the submission completion page that users will see after they submit the form with a description and call-to-action of either “visit website” or “download.”

Lead data will be delivered either though a webhook to your customer data management, or through CRM system to directly your collected leads in real-time.

SourceGinny Marvin

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