
Category: CMO Zone

Brand Loyalty Remains High At 89%, Driven By Product And Price Rather Than Service

Last year, it was found by Yotpo that 90% of consumers surveyed considered themselves to be loyal to particular brands, despite the conventional thinking that loyalty was dead.According to the current survey of 2,100 US adults, 98.1% of consumers said they were brand loyal, with 25% saying they were more loyal than last year. Respondents […]

The Rise of Voice — What The Increase In Voice Assistants And AI Means For Business

These days, AI-enabled voice recognition is quickly becoming the norm in how we interact with technology.  The things that humans are saying is becoming valuable data that businesses can utilize in order to create personalized consumer experiences and sell products. It’s important how to think broadly about how voice will impact the entire customer experience, […]

Report: Spending On Corporate Websites Exceeds TV, Mobile Growing Fastest

The research firm Outsell has released their Annual Advertising and Marketing Study.  The study is based on a survey of marketers that outlines both traditional and digital media spending trends for 2016.  The data was pulled from an online survey of 1,500 B2B and B2C  marketers in the US.  The study also spans 36 categories. According to the […]

A Class Action Suit Is Accusing Google Of Stealing “Face Prints” Without Permission

There is a case called Weiss v. Google Inc., and in it, plaintiff Joseph Weiss has filed what could be a potential class action against Google accusing Google of stealing “face templates” from Google Photos without permission. This case has been filed in Illinois Northern District Court, and is accusing Google of violating the Illinois Biometric […]

Humane Society’s Brilliant Puppy Drone Stunt Achieves Viral Success

Are you against puppy mills?  Well, so is the Humane Society of the United States, as they released an unbranded video last week, entitled Same Day Pups: Puppy Drone Delivery.  In the video, we watched as puppies got delivered to families, after being purchased o a website called samedaypups.com, by being flown around town to their destination […]