
Category: RankBrain

#AEOisSEO: How Does RankBrain Affect Query Results Today

It seems Rankbrain is a marketing ploy by Google. Supposedly: it is essential to 15% of queries, affects every user query, is the third most important ranking signal… Mmmmmm. Omi, David and Doc Sheldon are here to get away from the hype, cut to the chase and tell us what we need to know about […]

Google’s Gary Illyes and Stone Temple’s Eric Enge Discuss RankBrain and What It Does and Doesn’t Do

Google’s Gary Illyes and Stone Temple’s Eric Enge Discuss RankBrain and What It Does and Doesn’t Do at Pubcon Las Vegas in 2016. For more information, please visit pubcon.com and stonetemple.com/pubcon-keynote-with-gary-illyes-and-eric-enge-virtual-keynote/

Optimizing for RankBrain… Should We Do It? (Is It Even Possible?) – Whiteboard Friday

If optimizing your SEO for RankBrain, and you’re doing everything you can to get it done, don’t worry about.  It can’t be done, at least, in the traditional sense.  RankBrain, unlike the classic algorithms we know and love, is a query interpretation model.  It’s different, and as such, it requires a different way of thinking. […]

Here’s Why Google Uses RankBrain

In October 2015 Google stunned the search world with a rare announcement of a major addition to their search algorithms, called RankBrain. Since that announcement there has been a lot of speculation (some of it, frankly, pretty wild) about what RankBrain does and doesn’t do. In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark Traphagen asks Eric […]

What Are Google’s Top 3 Search Ranking Factors?

Have you ever thought about the factors that can help you rank better on Google?  I’m sure many SEOs have thought this very question, but now, it seems that we finally have an answer!  Here is a top three list: Links Content RankBrain Last year, Google said that RankBrain was the third most important ranking factor for […]