
Category: Ranking Factor

Cracking the Top 3 Google Ranking Factors

Do you want to conquer the coveted first page of Google and dominate the search engine results? Who doesn’t! But with over 200 ranking factors that Google considers, getting to that #1 spot can seem downright impossible. I have good news for you – while the full ranking algorithm is incredibly complex, there are three […]

An Explanation of Ranking Factors in Local Search

Are you struggling to appear on Google’s Local Map Pack? Limited time and resources can make it challenging to understand all the complexities of local ranking factors. But don’t worry, in just a few minutes, this Semrush video will help you gain a better understanding of which improvements to prioritize to start seeing results quickly.

8 Key Google Ranking Factors in 2023 That Can Impact Your Website’s Performance (Infographic)

If you’re trying to optimize your SEO strategy, it’s important to keep up with the latest ranking factors that affect it. We know that Google likes to always update its algorithms, and because of that, businesses always need to stay in the know when it comes to the what and when of these updates. If […]

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What Are The Top B2B SEO Ranking Factors for Google in 2023?

We all want to be the best, no matter what we’re talking about. To a degree, life has always been a race to see can be the best. In the B2B industry, the same applies here. We desire to be number one on the SERPs, regardless of the search platform. But here’s the issue – […]

Google’s John Mueller Predicts The Strength Of Backlinks Ranking Factor Will Fall Over Time

Back In November, during a live session at Brighton SEO, John Mueller of Google predicted something interesting about the future of backlinks. John was joined by Lizzi Sassman, another Googler, and guest Myriam Jessier. Together, the hosts answer a question about how Google penalizes backlinks, which asks: “As an SEO, we are interested in backlinks. […]

Is Syndicated Content A Google Ranking Factor?

Do you think that syndicated content will affect your organic search rankings? Syndicated content can be viewed as both good and bad, because on one hand, it can help outrank the original content, but it can also be viewed as spam as well. What is syndicated content, you might be wondering. Content syndication is when content […]

Do Title Tags Count As A Google Ranking Factor?

When it comes to Google’s search results, website title tags are quite important, as they are though to care some weight as a ranking factor. After all, they provide users, and search engines, with context on the respective page. Despite the fact that Google’s algorithm does take title tags into consideration, is it possible that […]

Can Meta Descriptions Be A Google Ranking Factor?

With a well-written and compelling meta description, it has the power to raise the CTR of your organic search results, which not only allows more of the people who see your page in the search results, but it’ll increase the chances of actual click through and land on your site. Good meta descriptions will help you […]

Is Link Velocity A Ranking Factor?

When it comes to a majority of website owners, they probably assume that gaining a lot of links in a short amount of time is a great thing, especially if they’re trying to get a lot of potential leads for their business. But in reality, it could end up having an opposite effect. It could […]

Is Keyword Stemming A Google Ranking Factor

In the context of SEO, the act of keyword stemming involves modifying the use of key terms with different prefixes and suffixes. Keyword stemming is thought to be good for search rankings. When people think of keyword stemming as a ranking factor, they typically refer to Google recognizing the different variations of the same word. […]