

Don’t Rely On Google Ads Reporting For Apr 30, May 1

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Google Ads users are currently being altered that there has been a reporting issue that affected this week’s data.

A notice appeared in the web UI at sign-in says, “Google Ads reporting for April 30 and May 1 (Pacific Time) is incorrect.”

Google published a blog post with further details around 5:30am PT saying, “On May 1, at approximately 5pm PST, a bug caused Google Ads reporting for April 30 and May 1 (Pacific Time) to be incorrect.”

There hasn’t been any details about what data was being reported incorrectly. Although it seems that data has been populating for those days, it’s smart that you shouldn’t rely on any reporting from Google Ads for those days.

Although the warning appears in the web UI, it won’t show up in the Google Ads app or in the Google Ads Editor.

It seems that, according to the working of the warning in the UI and spot check comparisons across the tools, it looks like the reporting issue affects those as well, and possibly reporting from the API.

Google has confirmed in the blog post that, “This bug impacts reports in all Google Ads interfaces, including any report data downloaded via the AdWords API, Google Ads API and Google Ads Scripts.”

If you’re using a third-party reporting tool or dashboard, the data is for those two days could be incorrect.

It seems unclear if this reporting issue is a front-end glitch or if it could be affecting automated bidding strategies or third-party bidding platforms. For the time being, it’s a good idea to hold off on those monthly reports until things are fixed.

“We are actively working on fixing the bug and correcting the data. Metrics reported for May 2nd will also be delayed until later that morning PST,” Google said in the blog post.

Google says it will update the message in the UI “when the issue is resolved and the data is corrected.”

After Search Engine Land post this story, a Google spokesperson told them this statement: “A bug caused Google Ads reporting to show incorrect performance data for April 30 and May 1. We are working to resolve the issue quickly.”

SourceGinny Marvin

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