

Google Ads Credits For SMBs Start Rolling Out

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Google began its first phase of its program to provide $340 million in Google Ads advertising credits for eligible small and medium-sized businesses. New Zealand advertisers who qualify will be the first ones who will get credits.

Any qualifying advertiser will get a notification and will see the credit to be used for future advertising in their Google Ads accounts.

The amount each advertiser will get will vary from case to case based on historical spend, up to a total of #1,000 US dollars (or if the advertiser isn’t from the US, an equivalent amount).

An advertisers who gets their credit will need to use it before it expires on December 31.

Google has built a new product and infrastructure to support their already existing coupon program for new advertisers. The process of phasing will help create a smoother rollout for the new system.

According to Google, it aims to roll out credits over the next several weeks after beginning with New Zealand.

The intent of this program is meant to support existing and dedicated advertisers who have been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. To be eligible, advertisers need to have run Google Ads campaigns in 10 out of 12 months in 2019 and in either January or February of 2020. It’s not going to matter if campaigns were run in Google Ads account directly or through a partner.

There is no way to apply to this program.

SourceGinny Marvin

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