

Google Confirms No Loss in Link Authority on HTTPS Implementation

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Google-thumbWhen it comes to link authority and HTTPS, there is a question that many SEOs are asking – Will there be any loss of link authority when moving from HTTP to HTTPS?  Rest assured everybody, John Mueller is here to save the day and answer this question for us.  John has confirmed via a comment on Google+ that there won’t be any loss of link authority when making the switch to HTTPS.


This statement was made as a response to the news that Google will be now default to indexing HTTPS pages when a duplicate HTTP version also exists.

I think it’s pretty understandable that people would get concerned if their HTTP pages don’t get counted, then their site, which would be using HTTPS, would see a lose of inbound links.  But fortunately, it looks like we’re all good.  The answer is no, we won’t lose any link authority.

It was  confirmed on Twitter by Google’s Gary Illyes as well after SEJ’s Brent Csutoras reached out to get some clarification on the matter.

Google is going to count the collective signals from inbound links that points to both the HTTP and HTTPS versions of a page.  There won’t be any reason to worry about redirects, as this all will be done automatically.

Gary Illyes gave up some more insight Facebook comment on this story, saying that making site moves easier in the near future is a priority for them, particularly when concerning 301 redirect.

Gary 301 redirects

Source – Matt Southern


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