

How To Recover If You Got Nailed By Mobilegeddon

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Mobilegeddon-smartphone-ss-1920By now, Mobilgeddon has been here, and has subsequently passed us.  It’s pretty much old news now, regardless of how badly you were hit.  Of course, those who were mobile-friendly prior to the release of Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm update have almost forgotten about it.

But on the other end of the spectrum, those who were hit are a little bit more sore on the subject.  Unless measures were taken since the release of the algorithm, those websites who were hit could still be suffering from the damage that was done.

The mobile-friendly algorithm update certainly helped to change the landscape of online marketing, and those websites that didn’t prepare certainly suffered because of it.

If you’re one of the ones who is still staggering from the April 21st update, then we have your back.  Neil Patel has written a column just for those who are dealing with the issues caused by the mobile algorithm.  In his post, Neil provides several steps that can be taken to address the issue, and how they can be fixed.

To find out what to do if you are suffering from the mobile-friendly update, check out Neil’s post on Search Engine Land by following the link provided below.

Search Engine Land: How To Recover If You Got Nailed By Mobilegeddon

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