

Kick-starting Your SEO Efforts Even If You Aren’t Feeling Up To It

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When you sit down and you want to get some real work done, but you just don’t feel up to it because of one reason or another, it all comes down to motivation. Deep down, you know there’s always going to be some opportunity waiting for you. It all depends on where you look for that inspiration. It could be as simple as checking your twitter feed once more to give you that final push.

All it takes is something to help kick start your day and keep it from becoming another one of those days where you get absolutely nothing done.

Here are some good examples to look at SEO why’s that will help ignite some of your creativity:

Read The Twitter Feeds of Your Competitors

Graphic 1Basically, this is how you find out what your competition is up to. Perhaps by reading something awesome from somebody else’s social media, you can get some pretty good ideas on what you want to write about. By using some of these ideas you get from your twitter feed, you may even want to make an infographic about what the content. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should steal everybody’s ideas.  The point is to feed your imagination and try coming up with a good idea for something for your own readers to read about.

What Is Your Most Popular Content?

Another way to help find things to write about, you can dig into your analytics and start looking through all the content you’ve created previously. Check your social media accounts and find out what continent has the biggest audience and the most likes, retweets, and plus ones.

Once you have found what is the most popular, you can begin determining why. Could it have been an infographic, video, or a slideshare?  Could it have been a subject that touched on a popular current event? If so find another current event that ties into your subject matter today. It’s all about figuring out what people like about this content use the concept to produce something new.

Use StumbleUpon

520fc4a640e347. 10943639StumbleUpon is a great way to find new types of content to write about.  Its free to use, easy, and it couldn’t hurt to check it out.

By submitting your best content to Stumbleupon, you might just be surprised at how much traffic it could potentially bring to your site.  There is always a chance that somebody could stumble upon your content, and link it to the blog, other site, Twitter, or whatever else they want to link it to. Even if it doesn’t bring in a very many visits a day, that’s still more visits that you had sent yesterday.  This means you accomplished something in marketing today!

What’s _____ Doing?  Use Open Site Explorer!

This next tip might be a little sneaky, but it can be entirely fair. There are quite a few competitors that you might respect, they may even be a lot bigger than you.  But either way, you can use Open Site Explorer and take a look at the Just-Discovered tool.

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From here, we can see what links they have recently games. Did they find a forum talking about something relevant to your interests? Maybe there’s a really good article that is relevant to your site on online publication that would be perfect for you to comment on. This is a great way to figure out what other people are up to. You can use this tool to discover some great new ideas that you may not have even thought of yet. Don’t feel too bad though, chances are they’re doing it too.

Write Something!

One of the best pieces of advice that many people have offered to others is to write every single day. It doesn’t matter if the content your writing is worth posting or not, no one says you have to post it anywhere, not even on your own site. It could be something that just simply sits on your own personal Google Drive and never goes past that. The idea is to exercise your writing skills.

In terms of marketing and SEO, writing is very important. The most successful market tears are excellent communicators and authors. Just as with anything else you do in life, all it takes is practicing to get good at something, and this includes writing. This may not be something that helps you gain immediate SEO traction, but it will pay off for you in the end with your business/site in the long run.

Contribute 1%

Here is a simple rule but you could apply to yourself. Contribute at least one percent off anything you take in when youre online. Simply put, this means that if you read hundred messages on message boards, blog postings, or whatever, you need to create one yourself. By doing this, this will keep you constantly writing and creating. This will help further your own personal brand by potentially promoting your presence on the internet.

Play With Some Graphics!

At this point, visual content is quite the thing these days, especially the marketing world. A really nice looking graphic can grab the attention of a reader. By utilizing graphics, a reader doesn’t have to commit nearly as much time looking at what you’re offering, compared to reading nothing but text.

At MozCon this year, Lisa West spoke about visual memes. Lisa know did quite a few sites that allow you to create simple and easy graphics with intuitive online tools.  Easel.ly, Infogr.am and Piktochart are some tools you could use and enjoy playing with.

520fc4a7499b69. 91738368Here is an example of what you can create in Easel.ly in just a few minutes. By playing around with these tools, you can create things that are visually appealing, in can get across content more easily to your readers. This particular meme is not only fun to look at, but could actually work as a fun promo for a cloud computing business. The moral of the story is to not be afraid of using and creating graphics.

Just Keep Going!

What marketing is really all about is organizing a long term strategy. But none of this can happen overnight. By working on the internet with an open and wondering mind, it can be easy to lose focus. But there are some simple ideas listed in this article that will help get you back on track. All it takes are some baby steps.

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