

Learning From Lost Link Opportunities

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Link removalIn this post we are going to talk about a particular aspect of SEO called link building.  As many of you SEOs out there already know, link building is a necessary evil.  It’s not just a necessary evil, but a darn hard one to do at that.  You have to manage a way of making sure that you get new people coming into your website or blog all the time, pretty much on a daily basis.

Sure, you can create content, and some people may come for a visit to your site or blog post.  That’s a big maybe.  I’ve created a few different websites on a personal level, and they didn’t get squat by just creating content and then leaving them to their own devices.  I had to go out there and really work to get anybody to come visit them.  I had to try building links.  You can’t expect the links to just come naturally.  Most businesses need to perform a successful link building campaign that is always running, always working.  Even after creating a good sized audience, you are going to need to create the great content need to keep that audience engaged and always coming back.  It’s a never ending cycle.

You can try to obtain link opportunities through something like an email outreach program, which is something that still works.  It can take days to do, and I’m sure other SEOs knows the pains of this, but the results that you get from this work can sometimes be in vain.  If that’s the case, you can either just accept it and move on, or you can learn from it.  This makes me think of Rafiki from the Lion King.  By simply accepting it, you are missing out on a big learning opportunity.

If you declined, find out why by replying to their decline email.  By finding out why they declined your link building request, you can learn to avoid this next time.

Julie Joyce has a post on Search Engine Land called Learning From Lost Link Opportunities where she will help  you figure out where to start, and what to do if your link building efforts are resulting in nothing good.  You can check out her post by following the link below.

Search Engine Land: Learning From Lost Link Opportunities

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