

Local Landing Pages: A Guide To Great Implementation In Every Situation

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Landing pagesRecently, local SEO blogs have been filled with terms like “city landing pages” and “service area pages”.  There are some business owners out there who are wondering if this type of business model would be a good match for them.  Luckily, if you are a business owner,and you’ve thought about this as well, you wouldn’t be alone.  There are others wondering the same thing.

To help spread a little light on the subject, Miriam Ellis has written a guide on the Moz blog that may help.  Miriam’s guide, entitled, Local Landing Pages: A Guide To Great Implementation In Every Situation,will define several types of local landing pages, and will also identify four distinct business models that are all connected under the need to earn visibility for local-focused internet searches.

Check out Miriam’s guide on the Moz Blog by following the link below.

Moz Blog: Local Landing Pages: A Guide To Great Implementation In Every Situation

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