

Look At The F.A.C.T.S.: Checkout Page Optimization

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Website-optimizationWhen I’m reading about how to optimize a website, it seems that most of the time, I hardly ever hear about making sure that your site’s checkout page has been optimized.  It’s a matter of fact.  There’s a good number of these pages that aren’t just unoptimized, but far from it.

If you feel, or somebody has told you to your face, that your checkout page isn’t that great, it’s time to take some action.  A well made checkout page can help your conversion rate immensely.  But where do you start?  Well, Joost de Valk has put up a post on Moz that should help!  In his post entitled, Checkout Page Optimization: Just Follow The F.A.C.T.S., this is what is focused on…the facts.  Actually, in this case, it’s the F.A.C.T.S.

What does F.A.C.T.S even stand for?  It stands for: Focus, Assurance, Clarity, Time and Social proof.

For a more in-depth look at the F.A.C.T.S., read Joost’s post on Moz by following the link provided:

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