

Marketers Can Now View Shopping Campaigns In Bing Ads Search Terms Reporting

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On Monday, February 18, Bing Ads announced that it will now include shopping campaigns in its search terms reporting grid.

Product-focused Shopping campaign ads has been offered since 2015.

An enhanced reporting grid now includes a campaign type column in the ‘All Campaigns Keywords’ tab that allows marketers to choose either shopping or search.  The updated grid also includes an ‘Added/Excluded’ column to view search terms that were already added as keywords, or negative keywords.

Marketers can choose Search or Shopping as a campaign type in the revised reporting grid | Bing

Having access to simple ad management tools are not only important to brands who are increasingly bringing services such as advertising in house, but for smaller businesses that aren’t able to afford an external team who could manage their ads.

“We hope this update makes things simpler for you and allows you to save time in managing your search terms and negative keywords,” said Nahva Tecklu, program manager at Bing Ads. “This is another step in our continuous journey to save you time and provide more in-depth knowledge of our marketplace that enables you to succeed in Bing Ads.”

SourceRobin Kurzer

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