

Matt Cutts: “Stick A Fork In It, Guest Blogging Is Done”

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Guest-posts-300x205Guest blogging isn’t getting a break, especially from the likes of Matt Cutts, the head of Google search spam and Google itself.  It seems that quite a few statements have been made about guest blogging over the past year.  It has grown from a simple tactic to a full grown link building tactic.  The problem with guest blogging is that it can turn real ugly, real fast if you allow it to.

The statement that really nails it on the head for guest blogging was made today by Matt himself on his personal blog.

Cutts says that he’d “expect Google’s webspam team to take a pretty dim view of guest blogging going forward.”

In his blog, Cutts says that guest blogging has become more and more spammy of a practice as of late.  He also stated that if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging, you’re hanging out with some bad company.

After all, Cutts put it plainly,“So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy.”

The only thing Cutts said about guest blogging being ok is if you are “willing to vouch for someone personally or know them well.”

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