

Now You Can RLSA With GA, With Limitations Of Course

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AnalyticsIt looks like Google has finally brought remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) to Google Analytics.

Before this implementation, RLSA were the only remarking audiences built from Google AdWords cookies, as opposed to Analytics.  But with with the addition of RLSA, you will be able to build and use remarketing lists of people who have visited their sites by using a number of the behavior metrics that is captured by the Google Analytics tag.

With RLSA, advertisers can do things like customize ads,exclude audiences, target a wider set of keywords, and even modify bids when showing ads to site visitors who later search Google from the same browser they used before.

But of course, there is a catch.  Google isn’t going to allow advertisers to use GDN dimensions for age, gender or interests.  There will be a number of Analytics demographics and technology dimensions, like language, location, operating system, browser, device category and others that won’t be allowed.

RLSA lists will also need at least 1,000 cookies before they can be used to tailor search ads.  The reason behind this is again, for the sake of privacy.

If you want to get started, you’ll have to enable data collection for Remarketing in your GA account.

Original Source by Ginny Marvin

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