

Panda Pummels Press Release Websites: The Road to Recovery

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PandaMan, it sucks to be a press release site with those pesky Pandas everywhere.  Namely, the one with Google sneering evilly in the background.  Ever since the release of Panda 4.0, there have been even more hits to sites recently.  We all know about the payday loans update.  We have all heard about the smack down that Ebay took to the face.  It seems like other victims of this newest update to Panda have been major press release sites.

Ever since 4.0 reared it’s head over the kingdom of the internet, sites such as Search Engine Land and Seer Interactive have both admitted that they have experienced a major loss in traffic.  Although it hasn’t been determined the exact issue that caused this loss of traffic (such as a manual penalty, or it was the cause of the payday loan update), we can be sure it was Panda that was at the center of these particular events.

Why has press sites been singled out as victims of this newest iteration of Panda?  And what can be done if you run a press release site that has been affected by Panda?  Russ Jones has written an article for Moz.com on what you can do to recover from a blow from Panda.

There are four highlighted concerns that are mentioned within the article that stem from a tutorial on running your own Panda questionnaire on your own website that are covered, and Russ is read to dig in to them!

Check it out by going to Moz.com, or by following the link below.

YouMoz: Panda Pummels Press Release Websites: The Road to Recovery


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