

Product Card Buttons Pop Up On Desktop Search

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New buttons have been added by Google to the card-style product listing ad on the right rail of the desktop web search results interface.  When clicking on those buttons (‘details,’ ‘reviews,’ and ‘stores’), more details will be displayed over the top of the search results. This is similar to what Google uses on mobile search, but the interface is new and different for desktop search.

These buttons will be displayed when Google shows a Google shopping card or panel on the right side of the desktop search results.  It can be triggered, as an example, by searching for [iphone xr] or performing similar queries.

Here is a screenshots placed over the images:

Source Search Engine Land

By clicking on those buttons, an overlay will be triggered to pop up over the search results.

Source Search Engine Land

With this, searchers now have a way to find products within web search for Google Shopping results.  There is a chance this could have an impact on your sales, so it wouldn’t hurt to keep an eye on your analytics to see if you notice any changes for your revenue from Google.

SourceBarry Schwartz

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