

How to Rank for Featured Snippets: 9 Things You Need to Know

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There are studies that show that almost 30 percent of Google search results contain featured snippets.  It’s expected that this number will increase dramatically as voice search adoption grows.  Because of this, it’s becoming more and more important that you obtain that desired “Position 0” in the SERPs.

Featured snippets are nearly twice as likely to be clicked over the link in the first position in the SERPS, according to HubSpot.

Despite the fact that featured snippets have been around since 2013, many SEOs ignore the process of trying to capture them as a strategy.  Even though it sounds hard to do, getting a featured snippet for a page of yours isn’t has hard as you think it is.

Look at Google’s criteria for displaying a featured snippet:

“When we recognize that a query asks a question, we programmatically detect pages that answer the user’s question, and display a top result as a featured snippet in the search results.”

What this means is that this position is used primarily to answer search questions or topics in a short and concise manner.

In a post, Adam Heitzman gives us 9 things that we should know on how we can rank for features snippets on Google’s search results page.  Check it out there!

[Read the full post here on Search Engine Journal]

SourceAdam Heitzman

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