

Ready To Go Multilingual Or Multinational With Your Online Business? Ask Yourself These 10 Questions First

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MultilingualHaving a website that offers great products, services and information can do great for your business.  But do you think you’re ready to expand even further?  A way to expand upon your business is to offer all of your services in different languages or in new countries.  This can provide a great deal of benefit to you, as it allows you to reach an entirely new audience.  This in turn will boost traffic and revenue, helping to expand your business.

There was a 2006 study by Common Sense Advisory that found that over 72% of consumers admitted that they were more willing to make a purchase when information was written in their own language.  56.2% of customers felt that the information they found written in their native language on a product was more important than the product’s price.

So going multilingual/multinational is pretty beneficial.  But naturally, doing so isn’t easy, and can be quite challenging to do.  But before you think about doing anything about it, you may want to consider some things first.

In a post written by John E Lincoln, that lists ten questions that you should ask yourself before moving on with the process of creating a multilingual/multinational version of your website.

Follow the link below to check out John’s post on Search Engine Land, and it should help you be more prepared for making the next big step in your online business.

Search Engine Land: Ready To Go Multilingual Or Multinational With Your Online Business? Ask Yourself These 10 Questions First

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