

Soon Your LinkedIn Profile Will Look More Like Your Facebook Page

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LinkedinLinkedIn has announced today that a change will be made to user profiles, mainly in the way of larger cover photos, which seems to be very similar to Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

As of this time, the feature will only be available to premium users, although LinkedIn has said that it will soon be available for everybody’s use in a few months.  Are these new cover photos a welcome feature for LinkedIn users?  Some feel that this is something that is far overdue for a change.  After all, many people who use LinkedIn also use it for a resume.

Some other notable announcements that was made for premium users include:

  • There is now a keyword suggestion unit to help improve your profile, allowing it to be optimized to be found in LinkedIn searches.
  • You have the option to make your profile “open” for all LinkedIn members to see.
  • Users will be have access to a full 90-day list of the people who have viewed your profile, as well as access to top 100 results for How You Rank versus your connections and company peers.
  • There is now a more prominent display in the LinkedIn search…which is a deeper display with more of your profile information showing.


For more information about improving your LinkedIn setup, read Jimmy Yu’s column this week on Marketing Land: Optimize LinkedIn Like A Pro To Boost Your Personal Brand.

Original Source by Martin Beck

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