

Spell-Check Your New Expanded text ads with this AdWords script

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Google-adwords-redwhite-1920If you’re an advertiser who’s using something like AdWords, you know there’s going to be a lot of ad copy being written.  With the recent release of expanded text ads, we’re provided with 45 additional characters for AdWords ads, which can be used to give searchers more context to make decisions.  But with extra characters comes the chance for more mistakes to potentially happen.

Using AdWords scripts is a great way to help minimize mistakes or catch them as quickly as possible.  Keeping this idea in mind, Russell Savage has shared a spell-checking script that helps verify any active ad you write has everything spelled correctly.

For the following script, Russell leveraged the, wait for it, Bing Spell Check API!  Russell used Google to call a Bing API.  Bing has a nice API that allows you to build the power of Microsoft Word’s spellcheck into any application of your choosing, and all that’s need ed is the registering of a key.

Unfortunately, the free account gives us only 5,000 API calls a month, so Russell attempted to design the script to leverage caching as often as possible.  It will cache the previous call, as well as a list of misspelled words that is stored on your Google Drive.  If these words show up in your ad, the script will send that data back immediately without calling the API.

In addition,  Russell shared a MCC-level script that checks ad copy as well.  He considered this script to e something of a guardian angel, as it runs constantly in the background of your MCC, checking for ads that have issues.  If the script finds one, it marks it with a label.  This will let you know that some changes are necessary.  If you want to be more rebust, there’s always the option to configure it to send you an email (or a Slack message) whenever it finds an issue.

It’s possible that the script could run out of time or quota from the Bing API before completing successfully.  This alright though, as the number of ads it operates on will continue to shrink over time.  After a while, your ads will have a green label, which indicates that they have been checked, and any new ads will automatically be checked as they are added.

Source – Russell Savage

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