
Tag: Not Provided

Hate “Not Provided”? It May Be A Good Thing!

Are we really talking about Not Provided again?  That’s such old news!  It’s also not anything new to say that SEOs don’t really like the idea of Google not letting us see our keywords.  This has been quite the discussion since Google’s switch to secure search.  Because of this switch, it’s forced us to approach keyword […]

Help with (Not Provided): New Landing Pages Report in Moz Analytics

It’s old news by now.  We’ve all heard it.  (Not provided) can be a bit….suck-ish.  Since (not provided) entered the scene, it has shaken things up in the SEO and Analytics world.  Because of (not provided), our entire work process has been forced to change.  A number of things have become harder to do, including […]

Official: Google Brings “Not Provided” To Ads, Will Withhold Search Query Data From Paid Clicks

If Google was a movie, I can imagine a poster up in a movie theater for upcoming attractions that proclaims, “Attack of ‘Not Provided’ II: Attack On The Ads!”  In reality, it looks like Google has finally decided to secure search for clicks on paid search ads.  According to an announcement that was posted by […]

(Provided): 10 Ways to Prove SEO Value in Google Analytics

It’s already happening.  Over the last few years, we’ve been facing the looming and expanding threat of (not provided).  Soon, perhaps very soon, we will see (not provided) reach 100% totality.  In the minds of many, that can be pretty bad, but not without good reason.  Keywords were the cornerstone of SEO, and without them, […]

The Local Solution To (not provided)

Because of  Google’s switchover from http to https has taken place, there has been a rapid increase of (not provided) traffic coming to everybody’s analytics packages.  The bad part is that since we are getting more (not provided) data, we are losing out on valuable information.  This can really drive a stake through the heart of our […]

Easing the Pain of Keyword Not Provided: 5 Tactics for Reclaiming Your Data

It’s just like watching a nature film, where you’re watching the last fleeting pictures of a creature that is about to go extinct because of something like deforestation.  We are bearing witness to the imminent death of Google organic keyword data, all thanks to Not Provided.  The biggest problem, it seems, is that without keyword […]

Is There A Good SIde To Not Provided?

It’s been a little while since Not Provided has been thrust upon us by Google.  With Not Provided looming over head, SEOs are now looking at stripped keyword-level data.  This certainly can’t be a good thing, can it?  Many looking at it from face value would certainly think so.  Why would we want to know […]

Gathering New Keyword Insights In A (Not Provided) World

It’s all over the place.  The mere mention of it causes people to frown and just say “bleh.”  Not Provided is all over the place these days in the SEO world and it’s not making people all that thrilled that it’s around.  It’s pretty evident that people don’t like the idea that they have to […]

What Kind Of SEO World Do We Live In With (Not Provided)?

Is it possible?  Could it be that SEO is actually dead?  Keywords is a (or could you say IS the) key SEO tool for bringing potential customers to a site is starting to look pretty grim now that (not orovided) is rearing it’s ugly head. For the people over at Moz, at first, their (not […]

SEO Experts Offer Opinions On Google’s Move To Withhold Search Data

It has been confirmed, if not quietly, that Google will be encrypting all search data, no matter if the user is signed in or not. A statement made by Google was meant to clarify this decision: “We added SSL encryption for our signed-in search users in 2011, as well as searches from the Chrome omnibox […]