
Tag: Video Ads

Google Partners – Building And Managing Successful YouTube Video Ad Campaigns For Your Clients

In this episode of Google Partners, we will watch the 3rd session in the YouTube Video Ad Series.  In this video, YouTube experts will discuss the best practices in building YouTube Video campaigns within the AdWords account and how best to optimize these campaigns to ensure optimal performance.

15 Awesome Video Ads Big Brand CMOs Loved

When you think of your top favorite form of visual media, the first thing you’ll think of might be movies, television series, or perhaps maybe even video games.  But have you ever thought about video ads?  Probably not. But even so, there has got to be some commercials out there that people just love for […]

Getting Online Video Ads Right!

There is a number of ways to advertise online.  More and more advertisers are taking the opportunity of using video advertising in their marketing campaigns.  The IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report for 2013 shows that video ads have been increasing in popularity to become the fourth largest ad format after search, display/banner and mobile.  Unfortunately […]

Google Partners – Demystifying YouTube Video Ads: Growing Your Agency Beyond CPC

Following the first 2014 Hangout with Google Partners about YouTube video ads, they are back with a five-part monthly series to help make video ads work for you. In this episode, they will take you from pitching clients, through video campaign implementation and measurement, and you’ll learn crucial best practices from Google experts and peer agencies.

Facebook Delivers ‘BabyMan’ To Your NewsFeed: Progressive’s Popular Ads Become The First Video Units

Some of you may not have realized it, but two months ago, Facebook was geared up and ready to start selling video ads.  Facebook has finally found the first set of ads they were going to display on their maiden video ad voyage.  Progressive is the first video advertiser for Facebook Video Ads.  In the commercial, […]