

The Perfect Facebook Post: Is It Possible to Sculpt One?

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Facebook-76536_1280If you’re a marketer, or you’re trying to market for your own business, you are probably using Facebook, among other branches of social media, to get the word out about your business, your brand, and your products and services.  Facebook is a great way to make connections and get the word out about your business.  After all, isn’t that what marketing is all about?

Now, posting to Facebook with posts about new products, services, promotions and the like is easy enough  Throw in some text talking about it, and maybe throw in a picture and post it.  But sometimes, that may not always be that easy.    Just because you posted something doesn’t mean it’ll  help your marketing cause.  It may be that your post wasn’t catchy enough to get most people’s attention and it went largely unnoticed.  That sort of exposure, if you can call it that, can suck.

But how would it feel if you know the post you published had the best chance of maximizing clicks, likes and comments?  Getting the best exposure and engagements from your posts can be a total mystery.  How do you get that perfect Facebook post?  Is it even possible to write a perfect Facebook post?  There are several best practices and examples of what goes into a perfect Facebook post.

What is the anatomy of a perfect Facebook post?

A perfect Facebook post:

  1. includes a link
  2. uses a brief 40 characters or fewer description if at all possible
  3. should be published at non-peak times
  4. follows other posts on a regular schedule
  5. is timely and newsworthy

For more details on this list, check out Kevan Lee’s SEJ post here.

Other sources tell us even more about what can help us sculpt the perfect Facebook post.  Some of these things are pretty obvious, even though to many people, it isn’t readily apparent until we’re told about it.

The following can be found on SocialMouths.com

Visual content is an important factor in your post.

In general, visual content will lead to more engagement.  Posts with photos will get an average of 2.35 interactions per post, where as text-only posts will get a lower 1.71.  As many Facebook users know, as you’re looking through your News Feed, text only posts can be pretty mundane and boring, so this should come as no surprise.

Time your posts accordingly.

When you’re timing the release of your posts, you’ll want to plan on posting after hours (5pm – 1am).  By timing your posts during the typical off-hours time frame, you’ll get 11% more interactions than posts posted during working hours.

At first, this didn’t make much sense, due to the fact most people, you’d think, would be on their computers and devices during the peak hours of the day looking through their Facebook feeds.  But by posting during the off hours, your post is more likely to be seen because there will be less posts that will be competing for feed space.

Also, weekends are a great time for posting.  If you publish a post on Sunday as an example, you’ll see a 25% increase in comments and shares when compared to the same post being posted on Wednesday.

For more details, make sure to visit the SocialMouths.com page for the rest of the information on crafting a great Facebook post.

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