

Twitter Has Strong Q3 Revenue Results, User Growth Slows

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In its newest performance update, Twitter has shown an increase in ad spend, but a slower growth in total users.

As you can see from the following graph, Twitter was able to obtain 2 million more Monetizable Daily Active Users in Q3, while showing that the platform’s usage flattened in the US. Despite this, Twitter was able to add 2 million more users in other markets.

According to Twitter’s shareholder letter:

“We continued to grow the number of Topics people can follow to more than 5,100 in Q3, up approximately 25% quarter over quarter, with increased personalization of each Topic and an expanded variety of Topics, including more news and location-based Topics. The number of accounts following Topics also grew significantly, reaching 70 million by the end of Q3, up 40% quarter over quarter. Increased Topic relevance drove incremental favorites, Retweets, and account follows, all important indicators that people engage more on Twitter when we make it easier for them to find relevant information.”

More information can be found at on Twitter’s shareholder letter and on Social Media Today

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