

Wayback Machine Adds ‘Changes’ Feature

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The Wayback Machine, a non-profit archive service, has added a new beta feature named “changes” that is designed to help users identify the content changes on a specific URL over time. With this tool, it would highlight the content additions and deletions in yellow and blue.

It see how it works, go to the Wayback Machine and enter a specific URL and click enter. Once you click on the “Changes” button under the URL box, it will load a calendar view where you can click on two snapshots taken by the Wayback Machine. From there, you can compare the two versions.

Check out the following screen shot of the interface when selecting the two snapshots you want to compare:

Currently, this tool is in beta. It should highlight the content deletions in yellow and the current additions in blue. As of this writing, the tool isn’t functioning properly.

SourceBarry Schwartz

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