

Ways Top Websites Personalize On-Site Content

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We know it’s important these days to create a mobile-friendly website when it comes to improving your SEO results. But I think when most people think about mobile-friendly websites, they think about making sure that each page on that website will look great when viewed on a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone.

Having a mobile-friendly site is more than just having fast response times when searching on a mobile website – it applies to creating mobile -friendly content as well. Marketers should be focusing on the overall experience of your customers while they’re on your site. After all, even if the site is functioning well as a mobile-friendly site, visitors to your site won’t want to stay there very long if the content just sucks.

If you want to amplify your mobile content efforts, there is a column written by Chelsea Alves that dives into creating mobile-friendly content that will help your business deliver a better user experience, as well as stand out from your competitors,

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