

When Brand Names Are Destroyed By Damaging Doppelgangers

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ShockedPicture this – you’ve spent a number of months, if not years, building up a brand name for yourself or your business.  Blood, sweat and tears have been shed getting to where you are, but then something unthinkable happens.  Just like in the old cartoons, an evil doppelganger appears and ends up spoiling your good name, reputation, or image.  All that time you sacrificed getting to where you are is now down the drain.

This is what happened to the Isis Books & Gifts shop in Denver, where it was vandalized because of their association with the ISIS terrorist group.  Of course, this is not the only time a negative doppelganger has ruined the name of someone minding their own business.


Regarding the Isis book store, when it was first created, it had nothing to do with terrorism, but with the ancient Egyptian goddess, Isis.  Isis was was the mother of Horus, and was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris after he was killed by Set.

Of course, there are other businesses around the world who have the name of Isis as well, and I’m sure all of them have been affected by the negativity of the terrorist group.  This goes to show that one bad egg among a group of good ones could spoil them all.

There is a post on Marketing Land that discusses a number of brands that have been affected by an evil doppelganger.  If you’re interested in checking out this article, which was written by Chris Silver Smith, then follow the link below!

Marketing Land: When Brand Names Are Destroyed By Damaging Doppelgangers

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