

Will Real-Time Search Algorithm Updates Be Bad News?

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Google-blueg-algorithm-seo-ss-1920It’s crazy to think of how when search engines like Lycos, Yahoo and Google made their first appearance on the internet, they weren’t nearly as advanced algorithmically as they are today.  It was super easy to cheese the system and get your website up to the top of the results page.

But as time went on, especially when we look at the state of search engines over the last 5 years or so, they have really matured.  Sites like Google have really upped their game algorithmcally, which makes webmasters and marketers work harder to make sure they get their sites to appear on the search results page.  In the end, all these advancements have all been for the benefit of the user, the consumer of content.

With all the updates that Panda and Penguin have been making over the last several years, there have been some ups and downs for SEOs.  But now, it looks like we’re heading into an age of real-time algorithms.  With this jump into real-time, the job of an SEO will become harder.  This makes you wonder, has Google really thought of the consequences of these updates.  What could possibly be the issues that arise as a result of faster algorithm updates?

There’s an article written by Patrick Stox that explains the issues and some of the potential effects of faster algorithm updates, and it can be found on Search Engine Land, and it’s an interesting read!  Go check it out!

Search Engine Land: Why real-time search algorithm updates may be bad news

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