
Category: Advanced SEO

Is Google E-A-T Actually a Ranking Factor? – Whiteboard Friday

A number of SEOs believe that displaying authority, expertise, and trustworthiness in the content on your site is important in regards to ranking well. This is because Google E-A-T is a ranking factor, right? In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard talks about whether it can be considered a true ranking factor, making your […]

Goodbye, Generic SEO Audit – Say Hello to Customization & Prioritization – Whiteboard Friday

It can be pretty easy to fall into a rut with your SEO audits. If it doesn’t meet best practices, it need to be fixed, right? Not necessarily. Although an SEO checklist is basically a checklist, it is important to both approach and prioritize your fixes in order to be efficient and effective with your […]

7 SEO Title Tag Hacks for Increased Rankings + Traffic – Best of Whiteboard Friday

In this throwback episode of Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard calls out seven easy hacks to keep your title tags clickable in the SERPs. 7 -Title Tag- Hack for Increased Rankings + Traffic – Whiteboard Friday

7 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Auditing Your Link Profile – Whiteboard Friday

There are several clues that can be hiding in your backlink profile that spammy things are happening, including off-topic backlinks to cookie-cutter anchor text.  From a single stand point, each issue may not be a big deal, but in conjunction, common red flags can be a big issue when trying to perform an audit with […]

YouTube SEO: Top Factors to Invest In – Whiteboard Friday

If you have an audience on YouTube, could you be doing everything possible to reach them?  Based on a large-scale study from Justin Briggs, Rand covers the top factors to invest in when it comes to YouTube in this week’s episode of Whiteboard Friday.

The Difference Between URL Structure and Information Architecture – Whiteboard Friday

It’s easy to get confused when you look at questions about URL structure and information architecture, but it’s important to make sure you maintain the distinction.  IA tends to be more impactful than URL decisions alone, although the advice that’s given around IA will often default to suggestions on how to best structure your URLs.  […]

Faceted Navigation Intro – Whiteboard Friday

At some point during your time as an SEO, the topic of faceted navigation is bound to come up  It’s a common solution to product filtering for e-commerce sites, but managing it on the SEO side can quickly get out of control with the potential to cause both indexing bloat and crawl errors.  In this […]

SEO “Dinosaur” Tactics That You Should Retire – Whiteboard Friday

I’m sure there are plenty of SEO folks out there practicing outdated SEO tactics who are in the belief that they still have a great deal of positive influence.  In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, offers us a series of replacement activities that will go much farther toward moving the needle.

Using the Flowchart Method for Diagnosing Ranking Drops – Whiteboard Friday

One of the most frustrating tasks that an SEO can take on is pinpointing the reason for a ranking drop.The are a a lot of unknown numbers of factors that going that can go into ranking these days, but luckily, the methodology for diagnosing these fluctuations is readily at hand.  In this episode of Whiteboard […]

Monitoring Featured Snippets – Whiteboard Friday

Moz has covered both finding featured snippets opportunities, as well s the process of targeting featured snippets you want to win, and now, it’s time for the final piece of the pie – how to monitor and  measure the effectiveness of your efforts so far.  In this Whiteboard Friday, Britney Muller will share three pro […]