
Category: Bounce Rate

Eliminating Email Bounces and Improving Deliverability in 5 Easy Steps

For any business using email marketing, one of the key metrics to pay attention to is your email bounce rate. But what exactly does this refer to? Your email bounce rate is the percentage of emails from your campaigns that are returned or “bounce” instead of being successfully delivered to recipients. A high bounce rate […]

What Are Some Great Ways To Reduce Your Bounce Rate?

It’s important that you pay attention to your website’s bounce rate, as they can indicate the relevancy of page content. Having a high bounce rate can be an alarming stat since that means people are visiting a web page, and immediately leaving without clicking through other internal links on the website. Being able to diagnose […]

How Do You Calculate, Audit And Improve Your Site’s Bounce Rate For SEO Success

When you’re trying to identify how good or bad your website is doing regarding search intent, it can be quite difficult to do so without some way of measuring the searcher’s attention. One way to do so is through your website’s bounce rate. According to Google: “A bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, […]

Is Bounce Rate A Google Ranking Factor?

It seems that there are always going to be misconceptions about any number of subjects that you can think of out there. There are even misconceptions in the SEO industry. One possible misconception that some people are holding on to is whether or not bounce rate is a Google ranking factor or not. There are […]

7 Dead Simple Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate

Is bad bounce rate a bad thing? It depends on the site and its purpose. Sometimes bad bounce rate can be a bad thing, sometimes it just doesn’t matter. But is high bounce rate good for SEO? This question can be a bit make things a bit more complex. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, […]