
Category: Site Crawl

Stop Wasting Server Resources: Disallow Google from Crawling Your Action URLs

Have you ever felt like Googlebot is crawling your website a little too much? While Google’s search engine crawler is essential for getting your site indexed, it doesn’t need to spend time on pages where users take actions. This is where disallowing action URLs comes in. Why Disallow Crawling Action URLs? As Gary Illyes from […]

The ABCs of Website Crawling: What You Need to Know

What is website crawling? Website crawling is the process by which search engines discover and index your website’s pages. Crawlers, also known as spiders or robots, follow links on your website and other websites to find new pages. Once a page is found, the crawler will download it and extract the content. This content is […]

Understanding Googlebot: How the Search Crawler Indexes and Ranks Pages

Getting your website properly indexed by Google is crucial for achieving high search engine rankings and visibility. The Google index is the giant database containing all the webpages that Google knows about and can potentially rank and display in search results. If your pages aren’t in Google’s index, there’s no chance of them appearing for […]

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Does Google Crawl URLs In Structured Data?

Being able to get your links discovered, crawled and indexed by Google is important to your SEO, and can ultimately be advantageous because if one URL gets crawled, then more pages can get crawled on your website. In an episode of SEO Office Hours, John Mueller spoke up about whether or not Google used links […]

Covering Crawl Budget

In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Tom discusses the SEO concept of crawl budge. Crawl budget is the number of pages that Googlebot crawls and indexes on any given website, and also determines how often the most important page of that site gets crawled and how often an in-depth crawl is executed. Google has only […]

Technical Tips: How to Identify Critical Crawler Issues

With countless crawler warnings, you want to be able to filter out only the important ones….but how? On this episode of Technical Tips, Dr. Pete walks you through his method for identifying the most important site issues so you can fix them with ease!

Enterprise Site Crawl Management & Staying Ahead of the Google Algorithm

Are you preparing for the Core Web Vitals and mobile-first index transitions in a few months? What steps should you take in order to assess the impact of algorithm updates? Check out this Search Engine Journal video and find out!