
Tag: links

The World of Link Opportunities Beyond Bloggers

We recently having been thrown into the typhoon of news and Matt Cutts quotes and videos saying that blogging is dead.  It seems that most of the links opportunities seemed to come from blogs, and now that blogs are considered to be almost a thing of the past in the context of link opportunities, what […]

Still Newsjacking For Links? Forget That, Make The News Instead!

Lately, Google has never really cared that much for getting links, in any shape or form.  This can make it much tougher to get people to get to your site if you can’t get links out there for people to see.  After all, even with the stink Google is putting out there about not buying […]

After a Link-Based Penalty is Removed, Will Your Traffic Increase?

Getting slapped with a penalty by Google can be pretty rough.  It can cause a lot of stress for you since you have to go through the rigorous process of trying to undo the damage done by the penalty.  On top of that, you’ll also be dealing with the fact that the traffic that is […]

When Building Communities Isn’t the Best Way to Build Links

Building links isn’t easy.  Perhaps it was easier to accomplish back in the day when there wasn’t such a stringent regiment set in place from search engines like Google or Bing, who are now using more detailed algorithms to stop us from using “unnatural links” as a way to build up a following. There has […]

12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links

What sort of things do you do in terms of SEO that will help you gain a stronger following of customers, and inevitably get more links to your site?  There are several ways to build links, including sending outreach emails, writing content and social media. Cyrus Shepard tells us in his post on Moz that when […]

Creating Content For Your Users That Will Also Get You Links

Are you a content creator?  If so, you know that one of the key factors for creating content is making something that everybody will enjoy.  By creating something good, people will be coming back to read more of your content.  But how do you do that?  How can you get people to come back time […]

How Does Google Determine When It Is A Paid Link

How does Google know when a link is a genuine link, or simply a paid one?  Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Search Spam has released a detailed video discussing the criteria Google uses to differentiate between the two. There are five basic criteria uses to see if these links are paid or not.  These […]

Authority Is The New Links: Reading Between The Lines Of Matt Cutts’ Guest Post Critique

By now, we’ve all heard the Matt Cutts statement heard around the SEO world.  “Guest blogging is dead,” he said.  This was a bold statement, even for the likes of Matt Cutts, because it got the SEO community in an uproar the moment he put that statement out there.  But Cutts stood strong so far, […]

How to Passively Attract Valuable Links

Getting links to come to you isn’t easy.  Sure, you can get links if you write content that is worthy of the clicks, but there has to be other ways you can get links, other than just writing great blog posts and the like.  The idea behind getting links is to think differently than everybody […]

Google’s Latest Official Stance On Links Within Widgets

It wasn’t all that long ago that Matt Cutts, the head of Search spam at Google, stated his recommendation that you should nofollow links in widgets since the widget space has had an abundance of link spam abuse.  In fact, it was a mere five months ago. But, in that short of time, something has […]