
Tag: penalty

Google: Redirecting A Penalized Site To Penalty Free Site Likely Won’t Negatively Impact The Site

Last week on Friday, John Mueller from Google answered a question posed by Barry Schwartz in a Webmaster/Search Helpdesk Hangout that had to do with issues that centered around a penalized site being redirected to an unpenalized site. The question was this: What if a competitor takes a site that has a severe penalty and 301 redirects […]

Were You Really Hit By A Search Engine Penalty, Or Is It Something Else?

Are you a site owner who has been hit with a sudden drop in organic traffic?  I think we all would understandable assume that the first thing you’d think was that you were hit with an algorithm update or an penalty.  It’s pretty easy to automatically assume that it’s the fault of the search engine. […]

After a Link-Based Penalty is Removed, Will Your Traffic Increase?

Getting slapped with a penalty by Google can be pretty rough.  It can cause a lot of stress for you since you have to go through the rigorous process of trying to undo the damage done by the penalty.  On top of that, you’ll also be dealing with the fact that the traffic that is […]