
Tag: Google

How To Handle An Important Page Disappearing From Google (Case Study)

What would you do if one day you were doing a routine daily rank check for yours, or a client’s site, and suddenly found out that at least one or more big pages had suddenly vanished from Google’s index?  You would probably sit in shock, and then want to cry, “What happened?  How could this […]

2014 SEO Roadmap: Adopting Semantic Markup

Boy, how far Google has come as a search engine.  Before, it was a simple device that tried its best to pair keywords that the user entered into the query box and then match it up with matching keywords found on other sites.  Now, with all the changes that we’ve seen over the last year […]

Hummingbird: Change Is Here And Now

With all the major changes and updates going on behind Google’s doors, it’s no surprise that this keeps people busy trying to understand how they work.  With the newest update, Hummingbird, it seems that there is a new paradigm of SEO that isn’t revolving around keywords as we’re all accustomed to.  Now, SEO revolves around […]

Tom Kelley, David Kelley: “Creative Confidence” | Talks at Google

Tom and David Kelley stop by the Googleplex for a talk on creativity. This conversation was moderated by Frederik Pferdt, Head of Innovation and Creativity Programs at Google. There are too many times where people, as well as companies, believe that the only ones who are creative are the creative types.  This means that all […]

How Google Plus Profiles & Pages Gain Search Authority

From my previous experience, Google+ was an underdone and under-appreciated social network that many people over looked because there were other social channels that just did better (we’re looking at Facebook and Twitter and the like).  But that’s not to say that Google+ is bad a bad social network and that it’s not worth using. […]

How Extra Space Storage Boosted Its Online Presence with Google

Extra Space Storage plays a vital role in their customers’ lives, helping them with storage needs during life’s important events. To reach an increasingly mobile and digital audience, ESS turned to Google to boost online rentals, with an ambitious cross-channel campaign that included search, display, mobile and social efforts. The results have been phenomenal: a […]

GDL Weekly with Louis Gray for November 18, 2013

Google Developers Live is the best way to keep up with everything new in the world of Google Developers. Watch, learn, and explore! Root Access (1) http://goo.gl/iqJr4T YouTube Developers Live http://goo.gl/wlSu47 Portable Native Client http://goo.gl/Qh5Qzu Mapping Big Data with Google’s Cloud Platform http://goo.gl/sl5HjJ What In the World http://goo.gl/MDsV7c Wallet Objects API http://goo.gl/Kuidfs Google Compute Engine API http://goo.gl/rb0xG3 Google Developers Hackademy http://goo.gl/GHfMnF Announcing Dart […]

Are All Comments With Links Spam?

In this Google Webmaster Help video, Matt Cutts Answers the question, “Google’s Webmaster Guidelines discourage forum signature links but what about links from comments? Is link building by commenting against Google Webmaster Guidelines? What if it’s a topically relevant site and the comment is meaningful?” Read more about link schemes: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66356 Have a question? Ask […]

Future SERP: A Glimpse at Google 2014

It’s fun to predict the future.  What will happen? What won’t?  But when you ask somebody for their prediction for something, what is it that you’re usually asking for?  Who’s going to win the next football game?  The stock market?  How about SEO and Google? What?  Prediction and Google?  That’s right.  Not everybody thinks about […]

Bing vs Google: 11 Issues with the Bing It On Search Survey

Which do you prefer Google Or Bing?  Maybe neither?  Well, which ever search engine you select, you know that when it comes to Google and Bing, there’s going to certainly be some head butting between the two.  Sometimes the competition between two products or services gives birth to a side by side comparison.  In this […]