
Category: Search Console

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Google Says Not To Sweat Small Fluctuations

Based on an Ask Googlebot video from last month, Google explains why Search Console graphs can fluctuate when you haven’t made a single change to a website. I know how easy it is to question what’s going on, but what we have to understand is, that’s the way the internet works. Things are always in […]

Why Are Search Console Query Reports So Inconsistent?

Recently, John Mueller of Google discussed the discrepancies in Search Console query reports and why page and site level reports show different numbers of search queries than the search console query report displays. Query reports lists the Google Search queries that generated impressions of your website URLS in Google organic search results. The number of […]

Search Console URL Inspection API Announced By Google

A brand new URL Inspection API has been recently announced by Google, which provides information about Google’s indexed version of a specific page. This information includes AMP errors, structured data errors, and indexing issues. The API helps SEOs and publishers discover more issues and debug problems with greater ease. Google listed the common tasks that […]

Does Google Search Console Geotargeting Hurt Search Rankings?

What is Geographic Targeting in Search Console? By setting geotargeting, you are able to specify the country of users you want to view your website most. It can be helpful for business that only caters to a particular country, not the entire international market. But is utilizing Google Search Console’s international targeting feature really a […]

Google Is Removing Generic Rich Results Filter From Search Console Performance Report

Google is going to removing the generic rich results filter in the search appearance section found within the performance report found within the Search Console. Because of this filter’s removal from the report, that means that you won’t be able to see how your rich results are performing in an aggregate. The reasoning behind this […]

If You Got The SharedArrayBuffer Warning In Search Console, Here’s What It Means

Security is an important thing for everyone, and it is no different with web-facing pages. These pages are were hackers are fought as thy try stealing company secrets. Because web pages theses days typically leverage resources from multiple origins (domain), this could lead to vulnerabilities. Webmasters now have a list of different options from browser makers […]

Google Temporarily Disables Issue Validation In Search Console

Another Google Search Console has been temporarily disabled by Google – the issue validation function. The company says that it’s been disabled because of the report’s upcoming changes. The issue validation function allows users to communicate with Google that you fixed an issue that was stopping Google from being able to access any part of […]

Google Will Be Moving The Structured Data Testing Tool To Schema.org

When Google first said that it was going to deprecate the Structured Data testing tool back in July, folks weren’t thrilled with the idea, so rather than just get rid of it, the company decided that they would move it to schema.org instead. According to Google, the Structured Data Testing Tool will be migrated to a […]

Google’s Manual Actions Bug Has Been Resolved

According to Google’s Danial Waisberg, it seems that it has fixed a bug where some sites with manual actions weren’t seeing those manual actions in Google Search Console. As you can see from the following tweet, Waisberg said that everything should be back to normal. The trouble all began on November 18, and was finally resolved […]

Google Has Migrated The Disavow Link To The New Search Console

Google has announced that has finally migrated the disavow link tool from the old Search Console to the new version after a year after the company closed down the old version of Google Search Console. If you want to know where the disavow link tool is in the new Search Console, you can find it at https://search.google.com/search-console/disavow-links.