
Tag: Google

AdWords Certification Advanced Search Exam Prep

In this Google Partners video, this training video is meant to help prepare you for the Google Adwords Certification Advanced Search exam.

Daniel Goleman, “Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence”

In this Talks At Google video, Daniel Goleman, the author of the bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, gives a talk about the secret to high performance and fulfillment…attention.

Can Google Business Photos Correlate With Higher Local Search Ranking?

As if we couldn’t figure out at this point, any time Google rolls out a new service, people tend to get on board, and find that the new service ends up helping them rank better on the search engines.  In this case, the new service that has come out recently is Google Business Photos. What is […]

Mastering Mobile Display

How do you master mobile display? Google Partners gave a live stream on YouTube that will help show you everything you need to know to mobile display. The key things you’ll be taking away from this video is this: 1. Develop a mobile display strategy that’s aligned with your clients value proposition. 2. Select ad […]

4 Lessons From A Year of Mozcast Data

Whew.  It’s been quite the year, with all of the big updates that Google has been releasing to their algorithms.  Because of that, it’s also been a big year for all the SEOs who get to live under Google’s ever changing algorithm changes.  It’s been pretty crazy. Here’s an idea!  We’ve been looking at all […]

Google Celebrates Thanksgiving With A Special Logo

In honor of Thanksgiving, Google has put up yet another special logo on their search engine this year.  This year, if you visit Google’s homepage, you’ll find a Thanksgiving themed logo where animals gather to celebrate the day, including a fox playing banjo music.  What else would you expect to see in the forest? By […]

“NORAD Tracks Santa” Is Back With Bing For 2013

Today is the day. The day of giving thanks.  And stuffing your face full of turkey and other delicious food.  But, it’s also another important day.  It’s the day we know that Santa will be tracked by NORAD, and viewable online for kids to enjoy. NORAD Tracks Santa, the annual Santa tracking effort is going […]

Shopping Campaigns: An Overview of New Features and Benefits

Google has  recently introduced Shopping campaigns, a better way for you to promote your products on Google. In this session, they’ll walk through this new campaign type and show you how Shopping campaigns make it easy to manage and optimize your Product Listing Ads.

Did Google Release An Update On November 14?

Has a Google update been released on the 14th of November?  If it had, there has certainly been no odd chatter from webmasters, as well no news release about it from Google itself.  It seems that some weird things happened on the day of the 14th, and it was caught by Moz’s own MozCast and […]

6 Ways Google Webmaster Tools Can Improve Your SEO Strategy

You know that everybody who’s anybody in SEO will be using Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) to see everything that goes on behind the scenes of a website.  With GWT, an SEO can analyze the technical aspects of a site, including crawl stats, pages errors and rich snippets. Susan Kelly also recommends using GWT to not only […]