
Tag: myths

10 SEO Myths that Can Tick People Off

In SEO, just like in any industry, there are generally two types of people that you can come across.  The first type of person is the knowledgeable, experience individual who knows the ins and outs of SEO and online marketing.  They can talk SEO with anybody and markets a website with the best of them. Secondly, […]

7 Popular Content Marketing Myths You Need to Stop Following

What is a myth? According to the definition given to us by doing a Google search, a myth is defined as “a widely held but false belief or idea.” Myths can permeate  every aspect of our lives, including what we do or don’t believe in, the things we read on the internet, and even our jobs. […]

The Greatest Misconception in Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday

There are misconceptions with many things in life.  This is defiantly the case with content marketing.  What is this misconception, this myth, that I am speaking of?  It’s the myth that just because you create good content, that somebody is going to see the light after consuming your content and go on to make a […]

10 Local Marketing Myths Hamstringing Your Business

It seems that nobody is immune to believing in certain myths these days.  This doesn’t exclude local business owners and even large chain story companies when it comes to online marketing.  There are some of these individuals who have latched onto certain myths, despite the fact they have absolutely no basis in truth.  Because of […]