
Tag: PageRank

Google Toolbar PageRank Finally & Officially Dead?

A year ago, back in October of 2013, Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s search spam, implied that we probably won’t be seeing another Google Toolbar PageRank update before the years end.  Well, it seemed that Matt shot himself in the foot when he said that, because a few months later in December of the […]

Google’s Matt Cutts: One Page With Two Links To Same Page; We Counted The First Link

In a new video presented by Matt Cutts,  the question that was presented was, “What impact would two links on a page pointing to the same target, each using different anchor text, have on the flow of PageRank?” The idea behind Matt’s answer goes basically as follows: 1. According to the original PageRank document, PageRank […]

Down With Toolbar PageRank And Up With… What?

We’ve been hearing in the news (well, the SEO news) that Google’s Toolbar PageRank (TBPR) hasn’t been working up to snuff like it should be.  Basically, the TBPR metric isn’t updated as often as we’d all like it to be.  The other problem is that because the TBPR has been shown to be a “metric […]

No More PageRank Updates This Year Says Matt Cutts

Yesterday on Twitter, Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, stated that Google isn’t going to be putting out a new update for Google Toolbar PageRank this year.  Cutts would be quite surprised if an update to PageRank happened before 2014. The last time an update was released, it was back in February of 2013, […]

Is Google’s PageRank Dead?

If you wanted to find the PageRank of a particular page, it has gotten harder to do this over the years, at least as far as using the Google Toolbar goes. For non tech savvy people, the Google toolbar can help them discover how much Google trusts a page, is represented by its PageRank value. […]