
Tag: Rand Fishkin

But I Have to Buy Links, Ads, and Exposure, Because My Customers Won’t Amplify My Content On The Web – Whiteboard Friday

At one point or another, anybody who’s got content online that they want shared by readers and customers have all run into the same problem.  Regardless of how great your content is, no matter how much you tell your customers about the stuff that you wrote, nobody is sharing it.  Not one bit.  This can […]

Dear Google, Links from YouMoz Don’t Violate Your Quality Guidelines

When it comes to Google and they’re algorithms and penalties, nobody is immune to them.  Ironically, a warning was sent to Scott Wyden, who is a Moz contributor, via his Google Webmaster Tools.  What was the violation?  Links.  This is part of where the irony comes in. One of the links that Google mentioned within the […]

5 Fashion Hacks for the Modern Male Marketer – Whiteboard Friday

Happy Fourth of July everybody (Or at least to all of the American SEOs and Marketers out there), I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday!  In accordance to the Fourth, we are going to give you something special today, and Moz is here to deliver! Normally on Fridays, you’d usually see a Moz Whiteboard Friday […]

Targeting Your Audience Earlier in the Buying Process – Whiteboard Friday

The Sales Funnel has always been a big thing in SEO.  The idea behind the Sales Funnel follows the metaphor of a real funnel (wide at the top and narrow at the bottom) and monitors the sales process.  Starting from the top is where all of the unqualified prospects.  This is where people, who are […]

The Greatest Misconception in Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday

There are misconceptions with many things in life.  This is defiantly the case with content marketing.  What is this misconception, this myth, that I am speaking of?  It’s the myth that just because you create good content, that somebody is going to see the light after consuming your content and go on to make a […]

Are Links Losing Value in Google’s Algorithm? – Whiteboard Friday

Here’s a good question for everyone who likes debates.  Do you think that Links are losing or gaining value in Google’s algorithm?  Both sides can have valid points, and in the end, we don’t really know which side will eventually prevail. In this edition of Moz’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand is going to look at both […]

Handling User-Generated & Manufacturer-Required Duplicate Content Across Large Numbers of URLs

So, you own a site that sells hundreds, if not thousands of products online.  That is great, as I’m sure that you’re getting a nice amount of sales from all that merchandise.  But there’s a problem.  Google is penalizing you for having duplicate content on your site since there is at least one or more […]

The Day Rand Fishkin of Moz.com Passes the Torch To A New CEO

For every beginning, there must be an end.  This applies to everything, big and small, simple and complex.  I know this sounds a little deep for a blog that deals in SEO and online marketing, but hey, everybody has the right to jump the rails once in a while, right? As I said, there was […]

What Should I Put on the Homepage? – Whiteboard Friday

In a time, a long time before the present, we used to visit a website’s homepage and expected it to be the one stop page that everybody went to.   But with the advent of a better search engine (we’re looking at you Google), homepages have become more targeted.  Today in Rand Fishkin’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand […]

Mixergy Interview On Startup Marketing, Reaching Early Adopters, Burnout, & More

After looking at some posts on Moz.com, I decided to pop on over to Rand’s Blog and noticed an interview that Rand had taken part in with Andrew Warner of Mixergy, who interviewed him on a number of topics.   Now, I won’t go into all the stuff posted on Rand’s blog, because if anything, the biggest […]