

The Month Google Shook the SERPs

Oh Google, how you like to keep us SEO and online marketers on our toes.  You’re such a goose that way.  It seems you’re always doing something to change things up and make things interesting for those who work in the SEO field and making us earn our money.  Even though we know Google means […]

9 Tricks For Local Businesses To Increase Their SERP Click-Through Rate

Every business loves having a great SERP click through rate.  But unfortunately, not everybody gets to have a great click through rate.  Nobody said that getting a successful CTR was easy, but it is doable. Regardless of where you are on the SERPs, simply increasing your CTR on the organic rankings can help pump up your sales […]

Mission ImposSERPble 2: User Intent & Click Through Rates

Back in mid 2011, Slingshot SEO wrote a post on Moz entitled Mission ImposSERPble: Establishing Click-through Rates.  In this article, Slingshot sowed a study that discussed organic CTR across the SERPs.  In this study, it showed you could make use of data to uncover insights and trends.  But, as with many things, this study has aged.  And as […]

A Visual Guide To Google: The Mega SERP

Today, Dr. Peter J. Meyers posted an article on Moz.  In the article, Peter wrote about how Google’s search result pages seem to be evolving all the time.  He noted that there seems to be new SERP features in isolation all the time.  So, Peter had an idea.  He was going to put together a guide.  Not […]

How To Take Advantage of Google’s Bias Toward Hyper-Fresh Content

Everybody loves the taste of freshly baked bread.  They also love freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning.  Freshness is great. Apparently, even Google loves things that are fresh as well.  They love fresh new content as well.  For a while now, Google seems to have increased hyper-fresh content in SERPs.  But, how can you […]

Solving the Pogo Stick Problem

Getting your site to display at the top of a SERP is quite an accomplishment, but it also takes quite a bit of effort to keep it there. If people click through to your site only to click their back buttons and look for another result, the search engines are going to catch on, and […]