
Category: Images

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AI Art vs. Stock Photos: Which Wins the SEO & Engagement Battle?

Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners? That’s right – the majority of your audience processes information more effectively through images than text alone. This striking fact underscores a critical question for content creators and marketers: how do you choose the right visuals to captivate your audience and boost your SEO? In […]

Stock Photos vs. No Photos on Business Social Media

Social media is a pretty big deal in today’s business world, and is a powerful bridge to connect with target audiences and promote offerings. But what truly grabs attention in this fast-paced, scrolling environment? Visual content. Images have the undeniable power to stop the scroll, captivate viewers, and deliver messages far more effectively than text […]

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Elevate Your Conversion Rates with the Power of Visual Content

Thanks to how the internet has changed out lives, it’s obvious that attention spans are short and competition in the business industry is fierce, businesses need to find effective ways to enhance their conversion rates. While various strategies contribute to this goal, harnessing the power of visual content stands out as a highly influential factor. […]

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What Are Some Image Rules For The Top 7 Social Networks?

As any marketer would know, visuals and images helps increase engagement. Did you know that content with images receives up to 40% more shares than content without it? As humans, we rely so much on our vision to perceive the world, so it would make sense that we make decisions based on what we see. […]

Google Ads Allows Stock Photos For Image Extensions

Until now, Google Ads wouldn’t allow you to use stock photos for image extensions, but it would appear that they have decided to relax that policy. This means that you won’t have to worry about sourcing your images anymore. This will not only make things simpler, but faster, as well. Google is doing this as […]

Twitter Rolls Out Bigger Image Display In Timelines To Users

Twitter is currently rolling out its new new tweet image display format, meaning that users can now see full sized images in their timeline, rather than cropped versions of them. As you can see in the above tweet, you can now see the full image, rather than the cropped version on the left. This can have […]

Improve the Performance of Your Website Through Image Optimization (Infographic)

If your website contains images, then something you really have to consider is image load time. A page that takes too long to load completely because of images can turn people off of your site. Users are increasingly likely to click away if they have to wait too long. The key is this situation is to maximize […]

Hootsuite’s Social Media Image Size Guide for 2021 (Infographic)

If you want to be successful at your social media strategy, you want to make sure visuals are a part of it because it can really help grab the attention of users as they are moving through their social timelines. Every platform has it’s own optimized sizes for visual assets. If you can follow the […]

Twitter Tests New, Full-Image Display In Tweet Timelines, 4K image Support

Twitter has been testing a new way to show images in user’s timelines. This means that, instead of seeing a cropped image in a tweet, you instead will see full images in the tweet. As explained by Twitter: “Now testing on Android and iOS: when you Tweet a single image, how the image appears in the […]

Fragment Links For Images And Videos Coming To Chrome

It would seem that recently, Chrome announced that it is working on supporting the scroll to text fragment links for videos and images, as you can see from the tweet below.