
Tag: Google Analytics

A Comprehensive Guide: How to Optimize Your Google Analytics and Get Results

Are you looking to take your website up a notch? You can use Google Analytics to boost your website’s SEO and improve results from your digital marketing efforts. There are tons of different goals you can measure for and many data patterns to interpret. Getting started can be intimidating, but it’s well worth it. After […]

Avoid Common Google Analytics Bugs and Misunderstandings that Lead to Bad Data

At some point during your career using Google Analytics you’ve probably encountered your shares of issues.  There could be an entire plethora of issues that I could pull examples from, but in this case, we are going to talk about when bugs found within Google Analytics, and simple misunderstandings can lean to bad data.  If […]

Quick & Easy Guide to Tracking Across Multiple Domains & Subdomains in Google Analytics

When you own a domain or a number of subdomains, you want to make sure you are able to track all of your analytics so you know what’s happening with your site from visitor point of view, as well as with marketing and advertising.  So what do you do?  Naturally, you use an analytics program […]

How to Combine Screaming Frog Data with Google Analytics Data

Screaming Frog can be a pretty nice SEO tool to use due to it’s incredible usefulness.  Why is it that some people love this particular tool so much?  There is a lot of data you can obtain by using Screaming Frog on your website, or somebody else’s site.  In case you haven’t used the tool […]

How Can You Combine Data From Screaming Frog and Google Analytics?

So there seems to be a decent following of a particular SEO tool called Screaming Frog.  I’m sure a number of you have heard of it.  In this case, it’s the favorite of Jim Seward, a contributing writer to Moz.  After all, there are a number of things you can do with it, such as finding […]

Getting Started with Google Analytics

We all know that Google Analytics is there to help you understand your customers, such as how many people are visiting your website, where they’re coming from, the pages they go to, and more.  But Google Analytics can be quite daunting, especially if your new, or you don’t have a very advanced knowledge of how to […]

Google Partners: Use Google Analytics to Improve AdWords Performance

In this episode of Google Partners, you’ll see AdWords Evangelist Fred Vallaeys in a Hangout On Air covering how to link Google Analytics with AdWords, how Google Analytics data can be used in AdWords and vice versa, as well as how to create remarketing lists in Google Analytics.

Google Partners: The Latest in Google Analytics

In this episode of Google Partners, we will meet Justin Cutroni, a Google Analytics Advocate, as he discusses some of the new developments in Google Analytics, including Enhanced Ecommerce and Google Analytics Remarketing.

Setting Up 4 Key Customer Loyalty Metrics in Google Analytics

What is customer loyalty?  Customer loyalty is the result of a consistently positive emotional emotional experience, as well as well as a physical attribute-based satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes product or services that are being sold to you.  The key attribute to loyalty is your emotions.  Love is an emotion, and […]

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Google Analytics with Site Search

When you look at Google Analytics (GA), you know that it is an important tool, as it gives you a detailed understanding about the people coming to your site, how long they are there, and much more.  With GA, you will see just how effective site search is in generating breakthroughs and conversions, shopping cart […]